Here's a few b/w around Congo Town photos. Taking photos around Liberia is super hard hey - Just basically impossible for me to feel ok about pulling out a camera in a country like this, so these might be the only photos for a while....... apologies in advance.

Ummmm and yup, that's it - first post in the can. Comment if you dare. Not that there's really a lot to comment on, but yup.
NB - the two that are obviously posed are of guys that I know where I'm living and they both asked for it - just so you don't think that I'm just running round and asking to take peoples photos :-)
! incredible man, especially the one with the wall. you rock.
ah red dirt. the best.
wow. your photos are professionale. We will be following your blog with a keen, almost fanatical interest...off now to look up Congo Town on Google Earth....
Bro, if you did go around asking if you could take peoples photos that'd be awesome. Not that I can really say that because I'm not there and can't possibly understand what it must be like to stick a camera in someones face but it seems like a good opportunity to capture life in Liberia - the terrain and the people.
Shoot me down if you like. I can take it.
What a legend photo guy - keep it up.
Cool slogan under the Congo Town sign.
Tim dawg, real awesome bro!
Its cool how much of a story a photo shares :-)
"wowses" as a certain someone might say. Very real.
would you care to explain your blog title? Why small small?
Matt - It's a hard one hey, and to be honest kinda tough to sum up unless you were here - but yeah having a camera and pointing it at people only deepens the divide that I'm trying really hard to bridge - unless of course they ask for it or they're a friend you know?
Kat - small small is a Liberian way of saying little by little. Unemployment is like 85% so everyone is just trying to scrape together a small small ting so that they can feed themselves and their families each day - yup so thought that'd be a suitable blog address because this blog will only be a very 'small small' window onto things over here.
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