Monday, November 3, 2008


This is my friend Clarke.

Clarke works as a security guard at the place where I was staying in Congotown, but in his spare time he teaches classes to the kids in his community who can't afford to go to school. Anyway, last Saturday he invited me to his place again and told me to bring my camera this time to take some photos, so here's some of those.

This one is taken inside the kinda communal cooking area/corridor in the middle of where a lot of the homes in the community 'compound' area are built. This is also where Clarke teaches classes everyday to up to 70 (!) kids.


And this last one is of me spoiling mouth with Clarke and my other friend Marley - just to prove I'm there too :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy kidssss.....I wanna come overrrrrr Gosh Tim :):)